Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prostanthera granitica

Prostanthera granitica

Family - Lamiaceae

Common name - Granite Mintbush

Flowers - Prostanthera flowers are tubular with an erect 2-lobed upper lip, and a spreading 3-lobed lower lip. The calyx is divided into 2 lips. Prostanthera granitica flowers are deep violet to purple, 8 to 10mm long, with dots in the throat extending onto the lower lobes. Flowering period is Aug to Dec.

Leaves and stems - Leaves are 6 to 15mm long and 2 to 5mm wide, with margins rolled strongly downward, moderately to densely hairy (especially on lower surface). Branches are densely covered in short curled hairs.

Habit and habitat - a spreading or spindly shrub to 1mt high, non-aromatic  or only faintly so. Prostanthera granitica grows in heath and dry sclerophyll forest on shallow rocky soils.
Notice the 2-lipped calyx, a characteristic of all Prostanthera species

The leaf margins roll downward, and stems and leaves are densely hairy

Typical habit and habitat of P. granitica in The Pilliga